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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Race by AM

Once upon a time there was a bear that wanted to be faster than the fastest animal. The animal was cheetah. So the Bear went to Cheetah and asked him “Can we have a race to see who is faster.”

“You already now I’m faster so why bother.” ‘Please!” said Bear.

“Okay but you are fat and slow and you won’t be able to beat me.” sighed Cheetah. That got Bear mad and Bear said, “Give me tree days”
When Bear got home he realized he needed a trainer to help him. He went to the fastest animals in the world, but they all said no. His last hope to get a fast trainer was to ask Bunny. Bunny said yes, because he was afraid if he said no Bear would eat him, but Bear wasted so much time looking for trainers that it was already 12:00 PM. He went to sleep.

The next morning Bunny woke him up at 5:00. Bear couldn’t wake up, but did after Bunny sprayed water on him. Bear trained hard that day and got much faster. That night Bear completely forgot about hibernation. After he told Bunny, Bunny ran to Cheetah to tell him. Cheetah replied “Sure he just wants to get out of the race.” “No really!” said Bunny. “Okay but when he wakes up the race is on” said Cheetah

3 Months Later
Begin, and the race started Cheetah easily beat Bear, because Bear was still to tired to run anymore. After the race Cheetah went over to Bear and told him “I told you that you are to slow.” But Bear was fast asleep.


Anonymous said...

i liked your story but the race was three days later not three month later.

Anonymous said...

the bear said give me tree days instead of three days but i thought it was funny.