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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Stormy Night By: E.K. (An0nym0usb0b)

It was a dark, stormy night. The wind was whipping, the thunder was roaring, and the rain poured down. At that moment, the power went off. I heard an eerily familiar scream in the distance. “It can’t be,” I thought aloud. It can’t be, but it was.
Another scream came, but it sounded like it was from upstairs. I was very nervous, for I was alone, until now. I went upstairs, my heart pounding. “Mom?” I mumbled, unable to say anymore. My fear came over me, and I went through the door, only to see what I most feared.
“Help me!” I could barely make out the words my mom said, through her taped mouth. Next to her was a tall man. He said in a deep rich voice, “Say one more word, I kill you both.”
Suddenly thunder boomed, shaking the house. We both lost balance and fell to opposite sides of the room. I hit the silent alarm, signaling the police and my dad’s phone. I was shaking of fear, so I didn’t notice the storm was now a light rain. In minutes, the cops were here, and the man was arrested for braking into my house and almost taking my mom hostage. I’d never live this down, I thought aloud. “I’ll be back,” the man said, while being driven away.


backflip2396 said...

Wow!!! Lots of detial. I could totally picture that in my mind. Very Scary!!!

~An0nym0usb0b~ said...

Thanks backflip

Anonymous said...

That was good detial you put into the story.